Audio Systems Guide for Houses of Worship

Shure has an excellent paper for operators of systems for houses of worship. This covers most of the basic information one needs to operate a sound system.

In addition, here are

> Some recent guidelines for HOW audio.

Getting a Great Mix

In this video, Jake Gosling describes the steps required to produce a good mix of a small band for online broadcasting. At the 10 minute mark, he begins describing the important processing steps. Excellent before and after comparisons at each step.

Mixing Monitors

Getting a mix for stage monitors that works for all performers can be difficult. Each person has their own preferences as to what they want to hear. Nolan Rossi published a good article on this topic. He says, "Mixing monitors is not for the faint of heart."

Audio for Stage Productions

Getting good audio for stage productions can be difficult. Selecting the proper microphones, placing them on the actors, and controlling them during a performance takes more skill than one might think.

The Most Important Tool of an Audio Engineer

A blog article by Michelle Sabolchick points out that your ears are the most critical tool needed to work with audio. A good engineer should protect them and develop critical listening skills.

Detailed Tutorials

Each of the blocks below link to an on-line video that discusses a topic that is important knowledge for an audio technician.

Click on each icon or heading below to view that video..

A critical setting on a mixer is the channel Gain or Trim. This sets the initial signal level in the mixer.

Another introduction to mixer technology, this one has some basic descriptions of terms that are helpful for the beginner.

An introduction to mixing using a Mackie CFX 16 analog mixer.

This is instruction for a particular situation, but it gives a good idea of the different type of skills needed by an audio technician.

Additional tutorials on using mixers


A good basic introduction to mixers and associated terminology.


Remove resonances or artifacts that interfere with a good mix.

EQ is one of the best tools for not only creating, but also shaping and enhancing the experience your audience has, while listening to your music.

Michelle Sabolchick Pettinato


Graham Cochrane explains how to use a compressor.


A professional producer from Nashville shares the 21 mixing tips that he wishes someone would have told him when he was a beginner.

Jason Moss has a great web site that presents his approach to mixing on a deeper, more creative level.

This site has a collection of videos on various topics of interest to an audio tech, An example is 5 Rules of Reverb.

Graham Cochrane is well-known for his tutorials on various mixing and recording techniques.

Rob Mayzes has a website that has tutorials on Mixing and Recording as well as a blog where products are reviewed.

Presonus covers a wide range of topics, even a section on subwoofer arrays. Nice diagrams supplement the text.

Roey Izhaki gives good information on Gates, which he feels is a key to crafting a quality mix.

Alan Hamilton uses displays on the Behringer X32 to show how to set up a mixer for vocals.

Alan Hamilton uses the Behringer XR18 display to show some typical mistakes made in using a mixer.

To see some examples of actual small to medium-size mixers, go to the Mixer Types page.

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